A wide range of sponsoring and advertising partnerships are available, from simple banners to complement the Website's textual and photographic content, to multi-page feature articles. Other options include half-page, full-page and double-page displays, as well as a unique and innovative advertising combinations.

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Years of professional dedication resulted in the Portal I LOVE RIO, a work that discovers Rio de Janeiro, city and state, through thousands of pages of touristic, cultural, historical, and social information, along with thousands of exclusive photographs of the outmost artistic standard.

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The Portal's innovative structure and design, never done before for any other city in the world, is rich in content that is easily utilized, resulting in a product of the highest level and value to a broad range of international readers.

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Users can easily access the chapters through computers and tablets, appreciating a unique philosophy of presentation and design where the logo, message and web address "I LOVE RIO" is divulged in more than 50 languages.


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Presented in English, and directly Google-translatable in many languages by the reader, the Portal is geared primarily towards international users, making the website a valuable tool for the global presentation of national and multinational brands across regions and markets.


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Based on a philosophy of exclusive advertising, the Portal offers space for a select number of sponsors and participants. A Partner brand is clearly displayed on each of the hundreds of pages of content and images of a sponsored chapter.


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Advertising rates vary, also according to the Sponsor's level of positive involvement in the global environmental process, seeing that one of the objectives of I LOVE RIO is giving distinction to those that make a difference in the world.


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Sponsors that share I LOVE RIO's vision, and support sustainable economic development or positive social contributions, receive special rates and consideration. I LOVE RIO: good for everybody.